Foreclosed homes for sale in Rosedale Colony, SD

If you have been discouraged by the current housing marketing, you are not alone. That's why many people are considering purchasing a foreclosed home as a viable path to homeownership. In Rosedale Colony, SD, there are some fantastic foreclosed home options available. If you have been finding it difficult to find a home in your price range in Rosedale Colony while saving for a down payment, a foreclosed home could be just the option for you. Foreclosed homes offer the opportunity to get into a home at a reduced price (sometimes substantially reduced) in exchange for potentially needing to make repairs and otherwise fix up the home. Repairs may not always be necessary but it should be anticipated. Below are a variety of homes either in some type of foreclosure or pre-foreclosure status.

Check out Rosedale Colony, SD foreclosure homes for sale, which may include REO foreclosures, pre-foreclosures, sheriff sales, and more.
43340 SD 42 Hwy
REO Foreclosure
Single Family Home
Bridgewater, SD 57319
1924 ft2
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Buying a Home in Rosedale Colony, SD

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Households by Income in Rosedale Colony, SD

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