Housing & Real Estate Articles

The Importance of Routine Home Maintenance

If you own a home, the idea of spending the weekend cleaning out the gutters or repairing cracks in...

A Homeowner's Guide to Emergency Preparedness

Home ownership has long been a part of the American Dream. In addition to providing shelter, it repre...

A Complete Guide to Auctions

"Going, going, gone" is the classic call of an auctioneer, but these days, not every auction is run by...

Glossary of Affordable Housing Terms

In the United States, homelessness is an alarming and ever-increasing problem. As it grows harder for f...

Homeowning Tips: Home Safety for Elderly Loved Ones

Research has shown that the majority of older adults prefer to stay in their own homes as they age, as t...

A Guide to Owning Your First Home

Purchasing your first home is a daunting task. The prospect of writing out a large check for a building y...

Home History, Preservation, and Research

Houses, like people, have a history. For good or bad, that history impacts the structure that it is today...

Lyndon B. Johnson and the War on Poverty: HUD Housing

On November 22, 1963, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) was sworn in as the 36th President following...